The Crow and the Thirsty Well Good night mom

The Crow and the Thirsty Well Good night mom

On a sunny morning, a clever crow flew to a vast field. It felt very thirsty and longed to find some water to quench its thirst.

The crow searched for a while and finally spotted a well. However, the water in the well was shallow, and the crow couldn’t reach it directly. It tried to scoop the water with its beak, but it was too laborious, and the well’s edge was too high.

The crow felt quite distressed, not knowing what to do. However, it didn’t give up easily and began looking for a solution. Suddenly, it noticed a small twig lying on the ground.

The crow immediately had a clever idea. It picked up the small twig and started placing them one by one into the well. With each twig added, the water level rose a bit. The crow continued its efforts until the water level reached a point where it could drink.

Finally, the crow successfully quenched its thirst. It felt very happy because it had overcome the challenge with its own intelligence. Then, the crow continued its journey, filled with confidence and joy.

This story teaches children that intelligence and perseverance can help them overcome challenges in life. It encourages children not to give up easily but to seek creative solutions. It’s an inspirational bedtime story that can stimulate children’s thinking and problem-solving abilities.


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