The Boy Who Cried Wolf Good night mom

The Boy Who Cried Wolf Good night mom

Once upon a time, in a peaceful village, there lived a young boy named Peter. Peter was the village shepherd, responsible for taking care of a flock of cheerful little sheep.

One day, Peter took his sheep to the hillside to graze. He sat on a big rock, played his flute, and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine and gentle breeze. Suddenly, he heard a sharp cry: “Wolf is coming! Wolf is coming!”

Peter quickly stood up, scanned his flock, but saw no sign of a wolf. He thought someone might be joking, so he continued playing his flute.

Before long, he heard the same cry again: “Wolf is coming! Wolf is coming!” This time the voice sounded even more frantic. Peter got up once more, searching carefully, but still found no trace of the wolf.

For the third time, the cry came, even more urgently: “Wolf is coming! Wolf is coming!” This time, Peter rushed to his flock, but he still couldn’t see the wolf. The villagers came running to help, but the wolf was nowhere to be found.

Finally, they realized with disappointment that it was Peter’s friends playing a prank on him. They admitted to their mischief and apologized for their actions.

Peter learned an important lesson that day: lying and playing pranks was not right because they could lead to serious consequences. From that day forward, Peter promised to always be honest in his duties and protect his flock of sheep.

This story teaches us that honesty and responsibility are essential qualities. It also instructs children to act with caution and not to make jokes or deceive others, as it can hurt others and cause chaos. It’s a morally instructive bedtime story.


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