The Lazy Horse Good night mom

The Lazy Horse Good night mom

In a beautiful farm, there lived a horse named Martin. Martin was a lazy horse who always found excuses to avoid work.

The other animals on the farm, such as cows, chickens, and sheep, were diligent and performed their tasks every day. However, Martin constantly came up with reasons why he couldn’t do farm work, claiming it wasn’t suitable for him.

One day, the farmer had to go to town and needed Martin to help pull a cart. As soon as Martin heard about the task, he began making up various illnesses and pains, declaring himself unfit for work. He coughed, sneezed, and complained about his back hurting, using any excuse he could think of.

The other animals couldn’t bear to watch any longer. A wise old cow approached Martin and said, “Martin, laziness isn’t a good habit. Everyone, including animals, should do their part to help the farmer with the work. If we don’t cooperate, the entire farm will become a mess.”

Martin started to reflect on his behavior. He realized that his laziness hadn’t brought him happiness; instead, it left him feeling lonely and unsatisfied. So, he decided to change himself and actively participate in the farm’s work.

From that day on, Martin stopped making excuses to avoid work. He put in his best effort and worked diligently alongside the other animals on the farm. He discovered that work wasn’t as daunting as he had thought, and through cooperation, he formed deep friendships with the other animals.

This story teaches children the importance of diligence, responsibility, and cooperation. It emphasizes that through hard work and collaboration with others, we can find greater satisfaction and build meaningful friendships. It’s an inspirational and educational bedtime story.


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