The Big Cat and the Little Mouse Good night mom

The Big Cat and the Little Mouse Good night mom

In a spacious garden, there lived a large cat named David. David was the owner of the garden, and he roamed freely within it, always maintaining an air of honesty and friendliness.

Sharing the same garden was a small mouse named Lily. Lily was a cunning little mouse, proud of her cleverness and always having various tricks up her sleeve. Although David and Lily were natural enemies, they were far from being friends.

One day, an annoying grey wolf entered the garden, attempting to catch Lily. Frightened, Lily ran to David, seeking refuge. David witnessed Lily’s predicament, but he didn’t come to her aid out of friendship. Instead, David simply disliked the grey wolf and didn’t want it to disrupt the peace of the garden.

With a loud roar, David scared the grey wolf away, but he didn’t extend any friendliness toward Lily. Lily understood that while David helped her evade the grey wolf, they were not friends but rather acted in their own self-interest.

This story conveys an important lesson that not everyone will become your friend, and sometimes people act based on their self-interest. It reminds children to be cautious, not to trust others too easily, and to protect themselves from potential dangers. It’s an instructive bedtime story that teaches children about vigilance and self-preservation.


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