The Vain Deer Good night mom

The Vain Deer Good night mom

Once upon a time, in a forest far away, lived a deer named Alice. Alice was a deer who adored her own beauty. She had a coat of beautiful fur and a pair of clear, bright eyes. She spent a great deal of time grooming herself every day.

Every morning, Alice would go to the clear waters of the river and admire herself in the mirror-like surface. She made sure that every strand of her fur was perfectly in place. She delicately combed each fur with her mouth to make them shine. She even picked the most vibrant flowers to adorn her antlers, making herself look even more beautiful.

One day, Alice heard about a magical tree deep within the forest. It was said that the water beneath this tree could make any animal’s fur even more beautiful. Excited by the prospect of enhancing her beauty, she set out to find this tree.

When Alice arrived at the tree, she saw a crystal-clear pool of water beneath it. She couldn’t resist jumping in, eager for her beauty treatment. However, to her surprise, her fur started to become heavier and soon she couldn’t stay afloat.

Alice found herself in a perilous situation, her once-prized beauty now a burden. Just as she was about to panic, a kind-hearted fox happened to pass by and saved her using a long twig. The fox told Alice that beauty was not just about appearances; true beauty came from kindness and inner goodness.

Alice learned a valuable lesson that day. She realized that looks were not everything, and real beauty came from being kind and friendly. From that day on, she no longer obsessed over her appearance and focused on attracting friends with her kindness and warmth.

This story teaches children that outward appearances are not the only measure of a person’s worth. True beauty comes from within, from being kind and loving. It’s a heartwarming bedtime story that encourages children to appreciate inner beauty.


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